Promising futures monthly giving program
Crime Prevention Starts HERE
Promising Futures – the Calgary Police Youth Foundation’s monthly giving program – supports Calgary’s most vulnerable and at-risk children and youth who, for many reasons, are at risk of taking part in crime, or may become a victim of it.
With your monthly gift, we are able to fund seven unique programs and community initiatives that provide children and youth most at need with education, prevention, early intervention and risk reduction resources in conjunction with the Calgary Police Service. All Programs provide intensive wrap-around support which is intended to help break the cycle of crime and prevent children and youth from becoming a victim of it.
By becoming a Promising Futures monthly donor, you are joining other thoughtful Calgarians who want to build a city where families can thrive and all children can reach their full potential. You are joining a movement towards a safer, healthier community for all Calgarians and are helping to shape our future.
Signing Up is Easy!
- Sign up online HERE.
- Call us at 403.428.2043 and speak directly to one of our team members at the Calgary Police Youth Foundation.
- Provide your own testimonial as to why you choose to be Promising Futures Monthly Donor!
How You Can Help:

Hear from our Donors:
I provide a recurring donation through Promising Futures – the Calgary Police Foundation’s monthly giving program to support a cause I am passionate about, providing vulnerable and at-risk youth with crime prevention, risk reduction, educational and early intervention support programs to help them navigate their world and stay safe from crime and victimisation. A small monthly gift leads to a larger gift over time and I’m in this for the long term as children are our future and we need to give them every chance to be the best they can be.
I choose to be a Promising Futures monthly donor to support the youth in the funded programs at Calgary Police Foundation because it is a convenient way for me to give. For what financially equals coffee at Starbucks I can support youth in Calgary vulnerable to victimization and crime. And how great is that!