Integrated School Support Program

The Integrated School Support Program (ISSP) is a child wellness initiative that is intended to provide essential services to address a variety of needs in diverse schools and communities. The goal is to improve academic performance and the social, emotional, and physical well-being of children ages 5-12.

We want to enhance and make accessible the supports and resources necessary to fulfill this goal. Our objective is to provide the necessary wraparound supports in the school. These supports include a positive police presence, an on-site Mental Health Professional, a physical education teacher, nutrition programs, and after-school programs. 

The combination of these essential elements ensures that children who may be facing access barriers have a safe, healthy school experience where they are able to focus on their learning, unburdened by other concerns.

ISSP is a collaborative community initiative managed by the Calgary Police Youth Foundation. Beginning in 2023, ISSP will be expanding to several communities across Alberta. CPYF will be partnering with several school authorities, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Children’s Services, and Alberta Health Services, along with several community partners, to ensure that Alberta students and families have ready access to the supports they need.

Program Highlights


of Students have English as their Second Language

Breakfast Club and the Hot Lunch Program help children stay focused and meet their nutritional needs

Percentage of Students that Identify as Indigenous

Start Smart, Stay Safe (S4) officers help build trust and resiliency in Calgary’s most diverse communities.

Total Number of Students Currently Enrolled at 2 ISSP Schools in Calgary

Lives Changed

Noah’s Story

Noah’s Story

Story by Corinne Wilkinson, Calgary Police Youth Foundation I arrive at Patrick Airlie Elementary, one of two Calgary Integrated School Support Program (ISSP) schools that receives funding from the...

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Matthew’s Family Story

Matthew’s Family Story

My story begins in Toronto and was not always difficult. I grew up following all the rules, graduated high school with good marks, went to university, and began a career where I worked my way up to...

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