by cpyf | Jul 25, 2022 | 2022 CYCA, Cadets, Uncategorized
This year’s winner for the 2022 Calgary Police Cadet Corps Chief Youth Courage Award is Xavier Martinez. Xavier joined the Cadets in September of 2018. Throughout his time in the program, he has always been known to be a very positive person who keeps an open mind and...
by cpyf | Apr 29, 2021 | 2020 CYCA, Cadets, Uncategorized
Mateo has been a member of the Calgary Police Cadet Corps for the past four years. During his time in the program, Mateo has continued to grow and has developed a strong sense of citizenship. He has contributed over 100 volunteer hours within the Calgary community and...
by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | Cadets
At the tender age of ten, Matthew had an issue that a Police Officer helped him with. He does not share the issue, but he does share that since that day, he was star struck. The Officer dealt with the issue, followed up with him, and that was it – Matthew knew that...
by cpyf | Dec 21, 2020 | Cadets
“It was the last place I wanted to be that evening – my first class in the Calgary Police Cadet Corps. My parents had signed me up, made me go, and I was left without a choice in their decision,” says a charming and very polite Naqvi. Naqvi was supposed to go to the...
by cpyf | Dec 21, 2020 | Cadets
I would like to start off with thank you. This corps has given me so much and I wish I could return the favour tenfold. This corps has become more than just a Thursday night activity. It has become a second family to me. A place to live, to breathe and be the best me...