by cpyf | Dec 21, 2020 | Cadets
“It was the last place I wanted to be that evening – my first class in the Calgary Police Cadet Corps. My parents had signed me up, made me go, and I was left without a choice in their decision,” says a charming and very polite Naqvi. Naqvi was supposed to go to the...
by cpyf | Dec 21, 2020 | Cadets
I would like to start off with thank you. This corps has given me so much and I wish I could return the favour tenfold. This corps has become more than just a Thursday night activity. It has become a second family to me. A place to live, to breathe and be the best me...
by cpyf | Dec 21, 2020 | ISSP, MASST
Story by Corinne Wilkinson, Calgary Police Youth Foundation I arrive at Patrick Airlie Elementary, one of two Calgary Integrated School Support Program (ISSP) schools that receives funding from the Calgary Police Foundation (CPF). ISSP offers a complete wrap-around...
by cpyf | Dec 21, 2020 | ISSP
My story begins in Toronto and was not always difficult. I grew up following all the rules, graduated high school with good marks, went to university, and began a career where I worked my way up to management. I started a family, bought a house, had my dream job, and...