by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | YARD
Jacob was referred to the YARD program by his Youth Probation Officer in March 2019. He was referred because he had at least 1 incident resulting in a conviction charge, no positive adult role model/confidant/mentor, serious family dysfunction, lax parental...
by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | MASST
A letter from Jamie…. I’m unsure if you still work here, I have no clue if you still use this email. But this is Jamie, a kid you worked with in Calgary. I moved, about four years ago or so. And I thought I had lost your email. I know we don’t really talk, as our...
by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | MASST
*Names have been changed and stock photography has been used to protect the identity of the family. His first brave start to life was the moment he was born – at only 26 weeks weighing in at four and a half pounds. A premature baby with the fight of his life to begin...
by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | YARD
My name is Phillip and I am a graduate of the youth at Risk Development Program (YARD). When I was younger I was breaking into cars, stealing, smashing bus shelters, skipping school, and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Doing all this made me feel invincible because...
by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | Cadets
At the tender age of ten, Matthew had an issue that a Police Officer helped him with. He does not share the issue, but he does share that since that day, he was star struck. The Officer dealt with the issue, followed up with him, and that was it – Matthew knew that...