by cpyf | Jul 25, 2022 | 2022 CYCA, MASST, Uncategorized
This year, our MASST Chief Youth Courage Award recipient is ten-year-old, Emily. Emily was referred to MASST due to struggles with anxiety and expressing her emotions. From a young age, Emily has had involvement with Child and Family Services. Her mother struggled...
by cpyf | Apr 30, 2021 | 2020 CYCA, MASST, Uncategorized
Mamdouh Baballa met the team from MASST at age 10. As the oldest of four siblings and new to Canada, Mamdouh didn’t always have the easiest time growing up. His family faced many challenges, including domestic violence, which ended when the father was removed from the...
by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | MASST
A letter from Jamie…. I’m unsure if you still work here, I have no clue if you still use this email. But this is Jamie, a kid you worked with in Calgary. I moved, about four years ago or so. And I thought I had lost your email. I know we don’t really talk, as our...
by cpyf | Dec 22, 2020 | MASST
*Names have been changed and stock photography has been used to protect the identity of the family. His first brave start to life was the moment he was born – at only 26 weeks weighing in at four and a half pounds. A premature baby with the fight of his life to begin...
by cpyf | Dec 21, 2020 | ISSP, MASST
Story by Corinne Wilkinson, Calgary Police Youth Foundation I arrive at Patrick Airlie Elementary, one of two Calgary Integrated School Support Program (ISSP) schools that receives funding from the Calgary Police Foundation (CPF). ISSP offers a complete wrap-around...